Monday, 25 May 2015

My Six Summer Goals...

With it being the start of my summer I think a perfect post is to write about my summer goals. Summer is 100% my favourite time of the year and because I have a long time off because of it I always have lots planned. However, instead of writing the specifics of where I want to go and what I want to do, I'm going to write about the goals I want to achieve...

1.) BLOG, BLOG, BLOG - If you read my previous post you will know about my new blogging schedule of posting every week day. Having more free time is a perfect opportunity to blog more which I can't wait to do. I would also love to go to more blog events, I think they such a great idea and they are perfect for meeting other bloggers and because there is more free time in the summer I would love to go to some outside the north east, which links to my next goal...

2.) TRAVEL - Summer is the perfect opportunity for people like me who love travelling, to visit new places and experience new things. When you usually think of travel you think of going abroad to places that are quite expensive and although I will be going abroad during my summer, this goal is also related to travelling to new cities and new towns in the UK too, any recommendations?

3.) LOOK AFTER MYSELF MORE - This is in both concepts of mind and body. For someone like me who suffers with anxiety, stress isn't a good combination,however, even though I still have more stressful bridges to cross in university and in life in general I'm just going to try and treat my mind better and being more positive about things and taking some time to relax. Hoping that didn't get too deep, I also want to look after myself with food and exercise because recently there has been lots of chocolate and no exercise what so ever. I love running so much and now I have some free time to do I will be taking it up again, aswell as this I want to try some gym classes and eat more healthily. This overall results in my goal of having a healthy body and mind and even though this a long term goal, I'm starting it more now after a stressful and unhealthy few months.

4.)SAVE - This, aswell as looking after yourself is a goal you will see in most peoples new years resolutions but saving is making a appearance in my summer goals because of the travel opportunities you have during this time. The best ones tend to be the priciest so saving is very important to me whether it's for this summer or future ones.

5.) GET MY TATTOO - After wanting one for years I have finally decided on the design I want and where I want it aswell as plucking up the courage to get one and my goal is to get it this summer, yay.

6.) DO WELL AT UNIVERISTY - This is quite an obvious one but I really want to do well at university with my assignment and exam feedback that I have done this year.

Of course, I will be updating you all on how I am doing in achieving these goals so keep a look out :)

What are your goals for the summer?
Let me know in the comments, I would love to hear them and get some inspiration!

Thanks for reading,
Sarah xx

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