Thursday 28 May 2015

This Weeks Nails...

This week I have been wearing Essies "Mint Candy Apple" nail varnish and overall I'm in two minds about it...
To begin with,the colour is just gorgeous, mint green is one of my favourite colours and I think it's the perfect colour for summer! When I bought this I thought it would be a great colour for when I go on holiday because this colour looks especially great with a tan and I thought for the price it may be better quality compared to my other nail varnishes.However, there are some significant faults with this nail varnish that have let me down...
Firstly how many coats are needed to make it have the perfect finish therefore how long it takes for it to dry! I would say this isn't the nail varnish for when you need to do your nails in a hurry because a lot of patience is needed for it to dry fully without smudging. Also, something that disappointed me was how chip resistant it is, it didn't last me very long at all before I needed to restart my nails or apply extra coats so this let me down!
Overall,I have heard some good things and bad things about Essie and I'm stuck in the middle as to what I think about it, the colour is beautiful and finish is perfect but it's a shame lots of coats and patience are needed to achieve this and it doesn't last long.It may not be the perfect nail varnish to wear on holiday where you don't want to be constantly re applying the nail varnish but it's a great colour for summer you just need some patience haha!

Have you got this nail varnish? What do you think?

Thanks for reading,
Sarah xx


  1. I've been tempted to buy this shade a few times now, it looks great on you!

    xo, Liz

    1. It's such a gorgeous colour, go for it! Aw thankyou x

  2. I love Essie nail polishes! This colour is so nice and looks lovely on you!

    1. It's so pretty and thankyou so much :)
